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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Marine Essence Soap


Pernah dengar tentang Marine Essence Soap? Yang pastinya memang semakin ramai yang membeli produk ini kerana keberkesanannya terutama sekali bagi yang mempunyai masalah kulit yang teruk.

Antara situasi yang boleh di atasi dengan produk ini adalah:

- Masalah bawah ketiak yang gelap.
- Eczema
-Masalah leher dan celah peha yang gelap.
- Masalah jerawat di badan terutama sekali di bahagian belakang badan.

Marine Essense Soap

Marine Essense Liquid

Bahan-bahan utama:

Garam Buluh
- Sumber kaya dengan mineral dan antioksidan untuk kulit.
- Anti-bakteria, anti-alergi, anti-keradangan.

Pheno-SFE TM (Ekstrak The Pu-erh)
- Terkenal dengan antioksidan dan sifat-sifat pemulihan untuk menghapuskan radikal bebas yang berbahaya daripada merosakkan sel-sel kulit. (Anti penuaan)
- Memperbaiki dan memperbaharui sel-sel kulit dengan menjaganya agar tetap sihat dan muda untuk masa yang lebih lama.

Ekstrak Liquorice
- Mengurangkan perubahan warna kulit dan bintik-bintik hitam.
- Mencerahkan pigmentasi kulit.

Minyak Tea Tree
- Anti-bakteria, anti-kulat.

Vitamin E
- Antioksidan, anti-penuaan.
- Menyembuhkan kulit yang bermasalah dan rosak dengan berkesan.

- Tidak mengeringkan kulit. Sebaliknya, ia menarik kelembapan daripada udara ke dalam kulit merupakan pelembap kulit yang terbaik.

Aloe Vera
- Kebolehan untuk menyembuhkan dan merangsang pembaharuan sel-sel kulit pada kulit yang bermasalah.

Asyik memang dah beli dan cuba pakai dan memang berkesan. Jadi kalau korang ada masalah kulit seperti di atas sememangnya perlu mencuba produk ini. Harganya tak mahal pun dan memang mampu untuk semua orang beli. Tempahan perlu dibuat terlebih dahulu sebab cepat sangat stok barang ini habis. Kalau nak beli boleh email Asyik di .

Saturday, June 8, 2013

What is Premium Beautiful Corset..?


What is Premium Beautiful Corset..?

Premium Beautiful is the No. 1 best-selling health corset in Malaysia. It uses and is embedded with F.I.R technology mainly for improving blood circulation, stabilized the hormone, helping in reducing the weight and increase metabolism rate. It has helped thousands of Malaysian women rediscover their beauty, confidence and become healthier in the process!

The Premium Beautiful corset is divided into three main pieces;

the Long Bra or Short Bra, Long Girdle & Waist Nipper.

Each piece have different sizes to fit into your body regardless what shape u are

Some features of Premium Beautiful Corset are:-

* Special Designed corset – 70% health & 30% beauty
* Helps to improve blood circulation and metabolism rate including shaping the body
* Lifetime warranty!!
* Comfortable and easy to wear (Flexible)
* Unique fabric made of Akwatek & Akwadyne technology
* Embedded with Far Infrared Rays technology (F.I.R)
* Recommended by American Chiropractic Association

F.I.R – Far Infrared Rays, what is it?

Far Infrared Ray is one of the energy wave that is contained in Sunlight. Unlike that of Ultraviolet & Microwaves which is harmful, F.I.R has positive effect and is proven to be beneficial to humans. F.I.R is widely accepted as alternative therapy for various diseases.

Why Should I wear Premium Beautiful Corset?

The Premium Beautiful Corset has actually been around for centuries as a proven method to help shape women’s body to be more attractive and sexy. Premium Beautiful corset which includes F.I.R creates a complete synergy which helps to shape the women’s body, assists in reducing & maintaining a healthy weight, in addition to improve blood circulation and increase metabolism.

Some testimonials Premium Beautiful corset clients:-

+ For post-delivery or during confinement
+ For your wedding day outfit
+ For back-pain & slip disc patients
+ Helps with cyst/fibroid patients
+ Used by Asthma patients and helps to alleviate asthma attacks
+ Reduces post-delivery stretch marks
+ Increases and improves firmness of the breast & buttocks
+ Reduce constipation
+ Helping people to conceive
+ Reduce period pain

And many more benefits…!!!

Please contact me at my email for more explaination.
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